
About Us

Melina Meza
Melina Meza

500-ERYT, BS Nutrition, Ayurvedic Health Educator

Chiara Guerrieri
Chiara Guerrieri

500-ERYT, Massage therapist, Anatomy geek, Nonviolent Communicator

Baxter Bell
Baxter Bell


Melina Meza

Melina Meza is a pioneer in the field of yoga, nutrition, and Ayurvedic Health, sharing her knowledge with yogis around the world for more than 25 years.

She is the creator of Seasonal Vinyasa Yoga, a holistic practice that features lifestyle, diet, and yoga practices tailored to the rhythms of the four seasons to help people stay healthy as they age. Her passion for Nature, the five elements, beauty, and humor forge the foundation of her unique approach to well-being.

Another way that Melina blends her passion for Nature and creativity is through being a professional photographer. With creativity at the center of her passions, Melina loves to inspire and be inspired, bringing this not only to her teaching but to her artistry. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious, igniting the creative fire in those with whom she connects.

Images galleries can be found at:

Currently residing in Oakland, California, Melina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition from Bastyr University, where she deepened her interest in the world of whole foods nutrition. She received her certificate as an Ayurvedic Health Educator from the California College of Ayurveda.


Chiara Guerrieri

I began studying Yoga in 1983 as a way to rehabilitate and strengthen myself after a car accident. What I learned then was how to breathe, how to use the breath to connect with my body, how to track physical sensations from moment to moment, and how to find an internal wisdom to guide my movement and choices toward well-being.

I have been teaching classes, workshops, local and foreign retreats since 1999. I aim to bring students’ attention to a place of presence and wonder. This is particularly helpful when students are working with injury or physical pain. My classes and workshops focus on wellness through discovery, guided by the extensive study I’ve done into the body’s inner workings. I focus on keeping instruction lively, accessible, encouraging and compassionate, with a dedication to work deeply and specifically, as well as with humor and irreverence. I am an LMP, and E-RYT200, RYT500, and YACEP certified.
Not only have I studied a wide-range of bodymind disciplines–Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programing, Massage, Meditation, NonViolent Communication–but I’ve worked to master the material deeply enough to teach in each of these areas. Teaching itself is one of my greatest joys. A long-time mover and shaker, my passion for movement forms has enriched my entire life with dance, yoga and daily walks in nature. Several teachers have cast a huge and loving influence over my growth as a teacher, practitioner and human being: Bob Smith, Ana Forrest, Shari Friedrickson, Donna Fahri, Rod Stryker, Marshall Rosenberg and more.

I love gardening, foreign travel, everything that smells good, warm-oil foot massages, flowers on my table and foods that both taste good and feel good in my body.


Baxter Bell, MD, C-IAYT, YACEP

Baxter Bell, MD, has been actively deepening his understanding of the power of yoga since making the stress-reducing move from a career as a busy family doctor to that of a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and medical acupuncturist.

A Certified Yoga Therapist, Baxter is co-author of the book Yoga for Healthy Aging.  His teaching has been influenced by many gifted teachers, including TKV Desikachar, Donald Moyer, Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden, Erich Schiffmann, Richard Rosen, and Mary Paffard.  A frequent featured presenter of therapeutic yoga classes on the website Yoga U Online as well as in Yoga Journal’s DVD, Yoga for Stress, Baxter has also written articles for Yoga Journal and the International Journal of Yoga Therapy.

Baxter’s teaching involves the integration of therapeutic applications of yoga with his understanding of Western medicine.  His teaching emphasizes a healing, nurturing style of Hatha yoga, balancing the desire for action with the need to quiet the mind, emphasizing curiosity and meditation in one’s practice.  Baxter’s students know him for teaching with gentle humor, kindness and his close attention to safety in the practice of yoga.
